Easy @Home Tricep Dips

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Triceps are often overlooked as a muscle group in favor of biceps and chest as it has less visual impact and feels less beneficial in everyday activities. The truth, however, is that triceps are vital for overall upper body appearance and even affects your ability to more effectively workout your biceps and chest through strengthening. It is also really easy to exercise; all you need is a small space and a chair – if you want to push that little bit extra.

Upper Body Toning Workout

Get that perfectly sculpted upper body with our @Home workout
Why Do Tricep Exercises?

There are many great benefits to doing tricep exercises like picking things up overhead or below your knees. Below we have listed 5 reasons to make sure tricep dips are added to your workout routine.

  • Sculpt and tone your upper body
  • Increase your upper body strength
  • Improve your range of motion
  • Increase flexibility
  • Strengthen upper body muscles

There are many ways to exercise your triceps. If you have access to a dumbbell/kettlebell then you have a lot more options available, but luckily this is not required. In the video below we walk you through easy-to-do at home tricep dips to ensure you lower your risk of injury as well getting the most from this incredible exercise .


Start seated

With your knees bent and your feet firmly on the floor. Place hands behind you (palm down) with your fingers pointing forward.


Bend your elbows

Lean back until your elbows are at around 90 degrees then use your triceps to propel yourself forward at the end of the motion.


Lift hips and maintain the lift throughout movements.

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